“hand mill gives you society with the feudal lord; the steam mill society with the industrial capitalist; Computers and Artificial intelligence gives you society with Tech Bro”
Thank you for writing and sharing this extensive analysis of the tectonic shifts destabilizing and reforming our world order.
I struggle to make sense of everything that has been changing around us these last 15 years, lacking in ability to pick it apart and in language to name what I see, even as it transforms the world and culture I was born into and raised up in.
Without conceptual understanding, and without language to enable communal discussion or shared understanding, I feel lost and powerless. I am trying, desperately, to learn.
There is so much in your article that puts words to things I have been unable to name, and provides frameworks for thinking about shifts in the fabric of of our society, and for seeing and recognizing what is changing. Many such shifts have long danced around the edges of my consciousness and understanding, but I have been unable to discern them clearly or make sense of them on my own.
I look forward to reading and rereading what you have written here in the coming days and weeks, as I work to improve upon what knowledge and understanding I possess.
Thank you for writing and sharing this extensive analysis of the tectonic shifts destabilizing and reforming our world order.
I struggle to make sense of everything that has been changing around us these last 15 years, lacking in ability to pick it apart and in language to name what I see, even as it transforms the world and culture I was born into and raised up in.
Without conceptual understanding, and without language to enable communal discussion or shared understanding, I feel lost and powerless. I am trying, desperately, to learn.
There is so much in your article that puts words to things I have been unable to name, and provides frameworks for thinking about shifts in the fabric of of our society, and for seeing and recognizing what is changing. Many such shifts have long danced around the edges of my consciousness and understanding, but I have been unable to discern them clearly or make sense of them on my own.
I look forward to reading and rereading what you have written here in the coming days and weeks, as I work to improve upon what knowledge and understanding I possess.
Thank you. Also feel free to check out my other blog and my four part series on Trump phenomenon 'Why Trump happens?'.
Thank you! I'll check it out.